How to light a dark corner?
Ever been in the position of looking into a dark corner of your garden and thinking I could just do with brightening up that space?
Dark corners can be caused by overhanging trees, shade of a big hedge or a next-door’s house wall. There are many things that you can do to brighten them up here are some suggestions:
Hard landscaping –
if you are faced with a neighbours wall you could seek permission to paint it a nice bright colour.
perhaps you can put up a trellis and find a nice climber to go on it such as a white clematis check out viticella Alba Luxurians
try installing some back lighting or spot lighting the corner so that it transforms at night into an inviting space. Back lighting a plant can create the illusion of distance.
Soft landscaping –
try planting a white Hydrangea they can look lovely and are especially good on North facing walls. I have the Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ shown below planted in my garden
Other suitable plants might be Philadelphus which has bright green leaves. Or for a ground cover plant try a variegated plant with white leaves such as a low growing Euonymus Emerald Gaiety or Euonymus Emerald ‘n’ Gold.
What suggestions do you have?
Send them through to me: