Going Vertical!

A great environmental way to decorate a wall.

I was recently walking in Bradford Upon Avon and remembered that I had been very impressed by this vertical green wall of plants on the end of a building.

Green walls are used quite a lot in commercial landscaping often inside atriums and outside buildings to create a green landscape which otherwise would be quite harsh.

We can also use them in small gardens where the ground space is limited for example in a courtyard garden. This one has a good variety of plants Bergenia, ferns and many grasses.

This picture is taken a year or so ago but it has continued to grow and survive which is great. It can also help with extreme heat and cold and reduce carbon dioxide in the air. It is also beneficial to insects and wildlife. I see it was originally planted in 2022. Well done BOA on an environmental project which cheers up that area as well.

Bergenia, ferns, grasses make up this environmental living wall.


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